Rental Pool Management
Feel secure knowing that you’re part of a larger group that shares the same goal.
Property owners who invest in a rental pool can enjoy the benefits of monthly income and lessen their risk. Rental pools allow for shared profits, which increase security among individual unit owners and peace of mind when managing these investments.
With over 40 years in business, Braden Equities Inc is highly experienced at managing rental pools in Edmonton, Calgary & area. For any inquiries, please contact us or give us a call at 780-429-5956.
Rental pool program benefits:
- Monthly income generated from rent
- Lessens your risk by spreading it out among other investors
- Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with investing in a rental pool.
- Take pride in owning a property that’s contributing to the financial security of others.
Enjoy Monthly Income From Your Rental Pool Investment
As rental property managers, we pride ourselves on our hands-on, proactive leadership style. We understand the importance of timely remittances and provide monthly income and expense statements to keep you informed. Additionally, we are proactive in marketing potential vacancies using the most economical means available. And when it comes to everyday expenses, we strive to effectively manage them to achieve minimum condominium/strata fee charges for our clients. Put simply; we aim to maximize returns for your rental investment.
We’re committed to helping you get the most from your investment:
- Maximize your rental pool’s returns
- Proactive and hands-on leadership
- Timely remittances
- Monthly income/expense statements
- Minimize condominium/strata fees